To The RN2writer Blog
News, information, opinion, and resources related to freelance writing for nurses and nurse writers.
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An interesting bit of news hit the wire...
Kemley recently emailed me with a question that I think could benefit from a wider audience. In a nutshell, they said they had contacted a nonprofit to volunteer to write in exchange for getting work samples (which is a strategy I advise, so: Well done, Kemley!).
The nonprofit organization...
Recently I heard from a student in the Complete Guide to Content Marketing Writing for Nurses course who had sent more than 70 LOIs without a single response. Talk about disheartening!
She naturally wondered what was wrong with her LOI, but I, on the other hand, was wondering what might be wrong...
Last week, a student in the Complete Guide to Content Marketing Writing for Nurses course sent me an excellent question that I felt deserved a wider audience, so I wanted to share her question and my answer with you.
This student was struggling with one of the most fundamental aspects of...
Over in the “office hours” (group coaching) component of the Complete Guide to Content Marketing Writing course, we were discussing how to target clients based on our clinical niches. It was an awesome conversation, by the way, and I think everyone gained a lot from it!
When most...
You deserve to thrive as a nurse, to be respected as a true expert, to be paid what you’re worth.
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