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We mention these products and services to you because we believe in them and want to help you improve your life and/or business. We only recommend products or services that we feel deliver value to you. With full disclosure, of course, RN2writer is a for-profit business, which means we do earn money with this website.
Opinions on this website are those of Elizabeth Hanes, RN2writer, and our team of writers who may express their own opinions from time to time. When we are expressing opinions related to product reviews, service reviews, etc., we do not always mention every available type of product or service available within the general class of products or services being discussed. It is your responsibility to perform your own due diligence to find the products and services that work best for you. We make no warranty, express or implied, as to the suitability or performance of any product or service we may review or that you may access via an advertisement or affiliate link on this site.
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